Lake Hawks on the Lakeshore
Your very own Professional Basketball Team at the Lakeshore!
The Lake Hawks Are Proud to Be Apart of
The American Basketball Association

The 2025-2026 season begins November 1, 2025
The West Michigan Lake Hawks took last season off. But The American Basketball Association is ready for the return! The Lake Hawks will enter the 2025-26 season ranked 19th in the Country. The Lake Hawks prepare to compete for the Central Regional Championship and the ABA National Championship.

Warmth for Winter
Warmth for Winter 2024-25 was a huge success! We want to thank the local business that supported us:
Urban Apparel
City of Muskegon
Tim Hortons

The Lake Hawks want to thank all of the first responders and those who are putting their lives at risk everyday. Lake Hawks values your support and loyalty. With the upcoming season we are making decision to protect and keep everyone safe. More information will be coming soon.
Tickets/Season Information
Support Staff
After the 2019-20 the Lake Hawks loss in the Regional Finals to Chicago Knights by 2-points. The American Basketball League (ABA), knows best that the North Central Region is one of the toughest Regions in the League. Thank you to all our fans for your endless support. Let's go Lake Hawks!